by | Feb 15, 2021 | DanceTalks Podcast
Cassandra Anne Ream’s programs provide video learning to children and adults to study the precision of movement. The mission behind the courses & digital portfolio is to make advanced education accessible at a price most people can afford....
by | Nov 9, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Arts Alive! provides inter-disciplinary arts education and specializes in early childhood development. Learn positive and inclusive teaching philosophies from Founder Tina Sabuco and Executive Director Anissa Dwiggins. Online at and Arts Alive TV...
by | Nov 2, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Janel Caminos talks about travel for social dancing. She is a newly published author of Curly Gyal Affirmations available on Amazon at Follow Janel at
by | Oct 26, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Oksana Chernyuk and Kristian Skydanovych share the stories of their journeys to Houston from Ukraine. Listen to how Oksana became the happy woman she dreamed of being when she was a young girl in a snowed-in Soviet village. Follow her company Sunrise International...
by | Oct 19, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Kathy Wood talks about hard work being the key to success in her career as the founder and artistic director of Fly Dance Company. Follow them at and
by | Oct 12, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Catherine Edwards shares her teaching methods and advice for couples preparing a dance for their wedding, drawing on five years of experience as a choreographer for Wedding Dance Houston. Follow her at,...