Love to Dance at Home!

Free dance games and activities you can do at home by yourself, with a partner, or in a group. Share a photo or video, and please tag us on social media. If you'd like to share a photo or video, please tag us on social media so we can see you. We are at and #lovetodanceathome

Solo Dance at Home


21Express your feelings whatever they are--happy, sad, excited, angry, frustrated, or scared.

Improvise to music you have never heard before or you don't know very well.  Let the music move you.

Dream. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself at a ballroom, a party, a concert, a beach or in a field of flowers.

Improve your skills by repeating challenging movements many times. If needed, start slow and do a move three times correctly to build a little muscle memory, then pick up the tempo.

27Write a musical. Choreograph it in your head.

Dance to music to help shift your mood.  Dancing is a natural medicine.

Watch a dance video or movie.  Imagery alone increases the secretion of endorphins, so just watching people dance improves your mood by stimulating your brain in a positive way.

Do your chores to music.  Infuse your daily grind with rhythm.

12Turn on music from a cable channel or playlist. Dance to songs that inspire you. Sit out the rest.  Stay hydrated.

Take a quick dance break. Get out from behind your computer. Just a dance or two will pick you up.  Go ahead now!