Randall Flinn

Randall Flinn discusses his journey from disco champion to director of a modern dance company. Follow Randall at https://www.instagram.com/randall_flinn/, https://www.facebook.com/randall.flinn and https://www.addeumdance.org/.

Tracie Jackson

Tracie Jackson talks about West African dances as reflections of every day village life that adapted and transitioned through slavery to provide powerful experiences of release and healing. Follow Tracie at https://www.facebook.com/tracie.jackson.336 and her company...

Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas talks about the essence of house dance, and how it has propelled his desire to travel the world. Follow him at https://www.instagram.com/yungchrishk/ and https://www.facebook.com/Yungchris-237174069787799

Dwight Baxter

Four decades dancing for Broadway and Hollywood, Dwight Baxter’s career involved constant preparation and teamwork. See him at https://youtu.be/xre5z9IPfI8 and follow him at https://www.facebook.com/dwight.baxter.

Sheldon Williams

Sheldon Williams discusses the history and essence of hip hop dance. Follow Sheldon at https://www.instagram.com/tribedon/ and https://www.facebook.com/GhostCrew2010, and his crew iLL TRiBE Dance Crew at https://www.instagram.com/illtribe/. Sheldon references this...

Alde Lewis

Alde Lewis shares how he made his dreams come true by applying himself and one simple piece of advice. Follow him at https://www.facebook.com/aldelewis/, https://www.instagram.com/aldelewis/, http://bingenow.com/video?vidid=2024,...