Dwight Baxter

Four decades dancing for Broadway and Hollywood, Dwight Baxter’s career involved constant preparation and teamwork. See him at https://youtu.be/xre5z9IPfI8 and follow him at https://www.facebook.com/dwight.baxter.

Sheldon Williams

Sheldon Williams discusses the history and essence of hip hop dance. Follow Sheldon at https://www.instagram.com/tribedon/ and https://www.facebook.com/GhostCrew2010, and his crew iLL TRiBE Dance Crew at https://www.instagram.com/illtribe/. Sheldon references this...

Alde Lewis

Alde Lewis shares how he made his dreams come true by applying himself and one simple piece of advice. Follow him at https://www.facebook.com/aldelewis/, https://www.instagram.com/aldelewis/, http://bingenow.com/video?vidid=2024,...

Joel Aguilera

Joel Aguilera talks about how he came to be a choreographer who blends bboying with Latin jazz music. Follow him at https://www.facebook.com/joel.aguilera.7 and https://www.instagram.com/aguilera_joel.

Marissa Cantu-Harkless

Marissa Cantu-Harkless talks about college life as a Texas Strutter, her career directing drill teams for public high schools, and her hopes for this summer’s virtual programming. Follow her at www.facebook.com/marissa.cantuharkless and...