by | Oct 5, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Maestro Isidro Salas tells his story of barriers and breakthroughs sharing Mexican culture through spectacular innovations in ballet folklorico. Follow his company Compania Folklorica Alegria Mexicana...
by | Sep 28, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Alex and Victoria Arizpe talk about how Alex, a street dancer with no formal training, became a choreographer and inspirational instructor. They share about their experiences working on a swing ballet commissioned by Ben Stevenson, performing in commercials, and...
by | Sep 14, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Rivkah French discusses her creative process as a modern dance choreographer, how the pandemic is helping focus on her true purpose, and how Patreon supports her work. She also advocates for the LGBTQ community in dance. Follow her at...
by | Aug 31, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Hindolo Bongay tells how he developed his natural gifts while earning college scholarships, a position in the modern dance company Urban Souls, and a teaching career. Follow him at and Visit...
by | Aug 24, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Raul Orlando Edwards explains the big difference between what people in Latin-American countries call dance and what ballroom dancers call Latin dance. He also settles the score about whether you should start on the 1 or the 2. Check him out at...
by | Aug 17, 2020 | DanceTalks Podcast
Kristina talks about Middle Eastern dance and culture. This conversation is a follow-up to a previous episode published May 16, 2020. Learn more at